4.1 Modbus Settings
Modbus 设置
There are a limited number of Modbus addresses available in the Mini Mk8 M.M., which can be
accessed directly without the need for a D.T.I.
Mk8 微型控制模块带有数个 Modbus 地址。操作者无需通过 D.T.I.就能直接使用这些 Modbus 地
When using Modbus direct, e.g. connecting to Building Management System from the M.M. without
a D.T.I., then neither Autoflame Intelligent Boiler Sequencing nor the D.T.I. can be used.
当直接使用 Modbus 时(比如当用户不通过 D.T.I.将控制模块连接到楼宇管理系统时),Autoflame
智能锅炉排序和 D.T.I.都不能使用。
The Mini Mk8 M.M. communicates using an RS485 data link from terminals 27 (-ve) and 28 (+ve).
Beldon 9501 data cable is recommended.
Mk8 微型控制模块使用接线端子 27 (-ve)和 28 (+ve)上的 RS485 数据线来进行通讯。建议使用
Beldon 9501 数据线。
Up to 10 Mini Mk8 M.M.s can be linked to together and connected to a Building Management
System via terminals 27 and 28. Each Mini Mk8 M.M. will need to be set with an individual Modbus
device ID by setting option 104.
*多可将10 个Mk8 微型控制模块连接起来,然后通过接线端子 27 和 28 与楼宇管理系统连接。
操作者可通过选项 104 来设置每台 Mk8 微型控制模块的 Modbus 设备标识号。
The maximum block of addresses the Mini Mk8 M.M. can read and write to is 127, as per Modbus
having a built-in limit of 255 byte packets.
AUTOFLAME原装进口电眼MM60004/U的使用方法Mk8 微型控制模块能读写的*大地址块数量是 127,Modbus 的内置极限是 255 个字节包。
If the Mini Mk8 M.M. does not receive any Modbus commands for 60 seconds, the Modbus goes
“offline.’ You can keep the Modbus “online” with a simple instruction, such as polling or setting a
single value to that individual M.M. If the Modbus is “offline” then remote setpoint and firing set via
Modbus will be disabled. The only exception is the enable/ disable burner which changes the enable/
disable button on the M.M. home screen, as this change will last until the Modbus state is changed
again or the enable/ disable button is pressed again.
如果 Mk8 微型控制模块超过 60 秒未收到 Modbus 指令,Modbus 将“下线”。用户可以发出简
单指令来保持 Modbus 的“在线”,例如对控制模块进行简单问询或者单值设置。如果 Modbus
处于“下线”状态,用户不能利用 Modbus 来远程设置数值和燃烧率。在 Modbus 失联后仍可
以用控制模块主页上的按钮来启动/停止燃烧器。在 Modbus 通讯恢复后从 Modbus 地址发出的